Researchers were able to develop four Improvised Basic Laboratory Apparatuses and Equipment namely, Filtration and Evaporation Set-Up, Working Urinary System Model, Working Respiratory Model and Sun and Earth Model with accompanying worksheets. They employed the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model by Seels (1994). Learning Resource Management Development System (LRMDS) assessment and evaluation tool for manipulative was used to evaluate the materials and a researcher- made questionnaire for pupils during the field testing. Mean and standard deviation were used to interpret the data gathered. The study noted that the improvised basic laboratory apparatuses, equipment and worksheets are Very Satisfactory where 95%-100% of the indicators were met as evaluated by the division experts. Results revealed that the average means and standard deviation of the indicators in terms of content for the following setup/models are as follows: Filtration and Evaporation Set-Up 3.95 and SD of .12; Working Urinary System Model 4 and SD of 0, Working Respiratory System Model with 3.98 and SD of .41; and Sun and Earth Model 3.98 with SD of .41. This implied that the aforementioned manipulatives were relevant and appropriate in enriching competencies in science subject.
The study showed that the evaluation of science laboratory apparatuses, equipment and worksheets were rated very satisfactory by the division expert validators with an average mean of 3.99 of the four model/set-ups. Its average standard deviation reached .03. Of the four apparatuses, working urinary system, working respiratory system, and sun-earth models consistently rated with an average mean of 4.0 and standard deviation of 0.0. These results were verified with the following average means and standard deviations on the same indicators as rated by the science teachers and school heads: filtration/evaporation set-up 3.99 with an SD of 0.05; working urinary system model 4 and SD of 0.0; working urinary system model 3.99 with as SD of 0.5; and sun-earth model 3.99 with an SD of 0.05. Furthermore, pupils perception during the field testing revealed the following means on filtration and evaporation set-up 3.63 an SD of .53; working urinary system model 3.66 with SD of .50, working respiratory model 3.65 an SD of .52 and sun and earth model 3.68 with a standard deviation of .49 all of which are very satisfactory and met 95%-100% of the indicators.
Generally, the study concludes that the materials developed by the researchers passed the standards. These are recommended to be used by the teachers in the teaching learning process in Grade 6 science class. It is also recommended that a further study on the effectiveness on the use of these materials on the performance of pupils in science.